Monday, April 8, 2013

STORIES OF MARY: Too Ashamed To Confess?

Mary, Touches Hearts Of Even The Impure!

Statue of “Sedes Sapientiae” [Seat of Wisdom]


-----Some persons, boasting of being free from prejudices, take great credit to themselves for believing no miracles but those recorded in the Holy Scriptures, esteeming all others as tales and fables for foolish women.

-----But it will be well to repeat here a just remark of the learned and pious Father John Crasset,1 who says that the bad are as ready to deride miracles as the good are to believe them; adding, that as it is a weakness to give credit to all things, so, on the other hand, to reject miracles which come to us attested by grave and pious men, either savors of infidelity, which supposes them impossible to God, or of presumption, which refuses belief to such a class of authors.

-----We give credit to Tacitus and Suetonius, and can we deny credit without presumption to Christian authors of learning and probity? There is less risk, says Father Canisius, in believing and receiving what is related with some probability by honest persons, and not rejected by the learned, and which serves for the edification of our neighbor, than in rejecting it with a disdainful and presumptuous spirit.

-----…read the Examples here.
(a 2 minute read)


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